Thursday, November 10, 2016

About Us...

Hi there!
My name is Haleigh. I am a certified Life Coach. I have made it my mission to help people overcome their limited mindset and step into who they were meant to be. Personal Psychology coaching is my niche but I have coached clients and friends through emotional, relational and even career issues. I enjoy life with my amazing husband of four years. He is my biggest encourager and I am his biggest fan.

We live in an incredibly diverse city and I absolutely love it. My husband, Daniel, who is a Cheif by trade, love exploring our city and finding hidden gems. We are both major foodies and love finding food trucks and restaurants that are off the beaten path. 

I proudly stuff this blog full of all things lifestyle tips and tools, positivity and encouragement.

My hope is that you find inspiration and encouragement to make it through whatever you face. Life is about one and living every moment to fullest.

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