Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Process

Every other Thursday the girls in our youth and young adults groups get together for a student lead bible study. Each lesson is taught by girls of ages ranges 12-30 and no matter the age, each lesson is always so powerful.

Last week, one of our girls talked about "The Process". As I listened to her talk about the process in which clay must endure to become a vessel, tears filled my eyes. Not because I pitied the story of her ups and downs, and highs and lows, but because I related to them.

I tried to hold my tears back.

"You're not supposed to show that you're hurting.", I thought to myself.

We are apart of a generation that is searching for purpose. We are searching for the meaning behind everything and we believe that when we finally find and are actively engaged in whatever we feel our purpose is, it's then that we will find whatever we're looking for. Happiness, fulfillment, meaning, whatever it is.

But too often we forget that our purpose IS the process.

It's not a destination, it's a journey. We're not going to wake up one morning with everything we need to fullfill our goals. We're still learning, every day and that's okay. This is why it's so important that we don't find our identy in the things we do, but rather in who we are. It's not about what we do in this life, it never was! Each day is a training course for the next phase and each phase is a step deeper into becoming with we were meant to be. And we were meant to be is not a destination, it's an ever changing, ever growing, beautiful process.

And can you imagine how unshakable we'd be if instead of looking at our situation negatively, we took a step back a reminded ourselves that this is not going to destroy us, it's going to grow us? And I choose to grow. 

Molding. It's all molding.

If you're waiting to have all the tools, or to hear enough affirmation, or to have a title that makes you "somebody" before you step out...well I hope your seat is comfortable because it looks like you're going to be there for a while. Stop waiting. You will never arrive at a place where you feel everything is stable enough. Never. But if we lived each day saying "TODAY IS MY PURPOSE." And it doesn't matter what happens, I will be the best version of myself. I will show up for the people in my life. I will be the mother or friend I never had. I will listen more. I will fight harder for the things and people I love. I will find value and meaning in everything I do.

It's okay to be afraid. It's okay to feel pain. It's okay to fail. It is not okay, to be so afraid of pain and failure that we refuse to take action.

If you're waiting for affirmation, here it is. You ARE enough, you WILL get through this, you ARE NOT weak, and you WILL NOT be broken. Shut your ears to lies and keep walking. Even while you're hurting, even while you're still molding.

If you take nothing from this, take this...Even though it may seem like your life is spinning out of control, this will pass and if you choose to step into this moment and not hide you will come out a better version of you. It is only the process.


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